Ill-Fitting Invisalign: What to Do

If you want to get the straight smile of your dreams, your orthodontist might recommend treating bite problems with Invisalign. This treatment involves custom-made translucent aligners that you wear over your teeth. You swap each set of aligners as directed by your orthodontist to push your teeth into the desired aligned position.

The aligners are designed to fit snugly onto your unique smile. But several factors may make Invisalign not fit well over your teeth. How can you tell when you need to contact an orthodontist about ill-fitting aligners? Read on to find advice from your orthodontist about steps you can take if your Invisalign does not seem to fit properly on your teeth.

Ill-Fitting Invisalign What to Do

Apply Careful Pressure to Aligners

Your Invisalign aligners should snap into place over your teeth for a secure fit. If Invisalign seems loose or awkward, then you may need to ensure you place the aligners over the teeth properly.

For best results, place Invisalign over the front teeth first. Then use gentle pressure to push the aligner into place along the molars until you can feel the appliance snap over the unique shape of your smile.

You may want to try asking your dentist for special chewable cylinders that can help shift aligners into place when you bite on them. This may prove especially helpful for a new set of aligners that your smile needs to adjust to.

Call Your Orthodontist About Invisalign Problems

If Invisalign still does not fit over your teeth despite your careful efforts to put them in place, you should call your orthodontist. Do not delay letting them know about ill-fitting Invisalign because you could face a serious disruption in your teeth-straightening treatment. The orthodontist may need to build new aligners to get your treatment back on track.

Check your Invisalign for signs of damage as well. If Invisalign warps, cracks, or otherwise breaks, then the shape will change and no longer fit your smile. The orthodontist will need to replace Invisalign so that you can continue your treatment.

Comply with Your Invisalign Treatment Plan

A major reason why some people may struggle with ill-fitting Invisalign aligners is a lack of compliance with their treatment plan. You must wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours a day, including during sleep, for the treatment to work as needed. If you do not wear the aligners as often as you should, your teeth may start to shift back into their crooked position and not fit the aligners any longer.

You will also need to take care of your Invisalign aligners for them to function as well as necessary. This means cleaning them regularly and maintaining good oral hygiene too.

Follow guidelines from your orthodontist when it comes to keeping your Invisalign clean. Attend follow-up appointments with your orthodontist too to ensure that your treatment progresses well.